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by Zhao Xun
Mon Aug 29, 2011 6:32 pm
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Thoroughly impressed you guys are still here :p
Replies: 0
Views: 47801

Thoroughly impressed you guys are still here :p

I don't think I've seen this level of dedication to anything else ever.

Just dropping by to say hello, and to tell y'all to keep it up.
by Zhao Xun
Mon May 11, 2009 10:07 am
Forum: Maneki Library
Topic: After All This Time
Replies: 0
Views: 46238

After All This Time

It had been a long time. After my sudden departure, I'd wandered alone for awhile, hiding where I could, trying to avoid detection. It worked better than I expected; the Elites were likely spending their time trying to track down the Freedom Fighters that were still fighting, rather than wasting it ...
by Zhao Xun
Tue Sep 09, 2008 7:54 pm
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: There and Back Again: The Official Leavetaking Thread
Replies: 193
Views: 584854

Re: There and Back Again: The Official Leavetaking Thread

I'm out until further notice. Apologies to everyone. I've already spoken to Nights, and if/when I feel I'm ready to return, I'll be back.

Sorry, guys.
by Zhao Xun
Mon Aug 11, 2008 2:20 am
Forum: Lambda
Topic: Gated Folding Stare; Fighting Through Fire!
Replies: 118
Views: 237473

Re: Gated Folding Stare; Fighting Through Fire!

You always end up useless in the end, don't you? Bet you wish you hadn't made some of those decisions now, guardian boy. Bet you wish you hadn't locked up the smartest part of you, even though not doing so would have led to your untimely death when that part decided to mouth off to the wrong person...
by Zhao Xun
Sun May 18, 2008 9:41 pm
Forum: Lambda
Topic: Gated Folding Stare; Fighting Through Fire!
Replies: 118
Views: 237473

Re: Gated Folding Stare; Fighting Through Fire!

When the other member of the group spoke, I listened. Intently. I wasn't about to rule out any option instantly, since only through serious (yet quick) discourse could we make the right call. Asgard came up with three plans, each of which had their individual merits. Dien was for sticking together. ...
by Zhao Xun
Mon Apr 21, 2008 8:15 am
Forum: Lambda
Topic: Gated Folding Stare; Fighting Through Fire!
Replies: 118
Views: 237473

Re: Gated Folding Stare; Fighting Through Fire!

Still running, I saw Raven slow down to wait for me. He must have gotten my flashmail… good for him, finding time to read it during this insanity. “Hey there,” he said as I caught up to him. "Thanks for waiting,” I replied. “After seeing what those things can do, it seems like taking them on in...
by Zhao Xun
Thu Apr 10, 2008 5:20 am
Forum: Lambda
Topic: Gated Folding Stare; Fighting Through Fire!
Replies: 118
Views: 237473

Re: Gated Folding Stare; Fighting Through Fire!

Following Sheena, who seemed to be moving as if the full fury of the Nine Hells was at her heels, we ran into our next challenge. And what a challenge it was... Marionette had warned us of the danger that lay hidden in this field, but I had never expected this huge of a fight. Fifty-four monsters? T...
by Zhao Xun
Sun Mar 30, 2008 6:20 pm
Forum: Lambda
Topic: Gated Folding Stare; Fighting Through Fire!
Replies: 118
Views: 237473

Re: Gated Folding Stare; Fighting Through Fire!

Nighthand's flashmail caused me to dart off to the shops before rushing in headlong as I usually did. Saying that this could be the toughest fight yet, when I knew they had already tangled with other Elites... well, it woke me up, to say the least. Foolishness and bravery wouldn't win out over cauti...
by Zhao Xun
Sun Mar 30, 2008 5:31 pm
Forum: Yakuso Magickery
Topic: The Stock
Replies: 87
Views: 220989

Re: The Stock

Zhao entered the Magickery with a purpose, knowing exactly what he needed for their next venture. "I'd like 10 Health Drinks and 5 Ice Strikes, please," he said, laying down on the table 3500 GP. Upon receiving his items, he headed out almost immediately and half-jogged, half-ran to the Ch...
by Zhao Xun
Sun Mar 16, 2008 6:00 pm
Forum: Lambda
Topic: Hopeful Tempting You Chance: Meeting the Master
Replies: 54
Views: 104157

Re: Hopeful Tempting You Chance: Meeting the Master

I'd remained silent since my arrival, contemplating the words of both Guardian and Marionette. Marionette's responses to Canti and Dien were of principle interest to me. The answer to Dien's question seemed to calm him, which eased my mind a little, and the answer about Suraisu filled some of the ho...
by Zhao Xun
Sun Mar 02, 2008 9:06 pm
Forum: Lambda
Topic: Hopeful Tempting You Chance: Meeting the Master
Replies: 54
Views: 104157

Re: Hopeful Tempting You Chance: Meeting the Master

I sat quietly, contemplating my conversation with Dien, unable to stop thinking about what might have happened to him. I wanted to help, but he so clearly needed time to himself... two pieces of me were waging war inside of me, and I knew that one of those sides was influenced somewhat by what remai...
by Zhao Xun
Fri Feb 22, 2008 6:02 am
Forum: General Discussion
Replies: 17
Views: 52429


Hihi. Still here.
by Zhao Xun
Sun Feb 10, 2008 7:29 am
Forum: Lambda
Topic: Hopeful Tempting You Chance: Meeting the Master
Replies: 54
Views: 104157

Back at the hideout, I cursed myself silently for my failure to help. Again. We had come up against Angel the second time, Nighthand had given us the power to hurt her... and I had done nothing. I had let the group... no, I had let my friends take all the risks. Yes, they came out alive, but.... I'm...
by Zhao Xun
Tue Jan 01, 2008 11:14 pm
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: There and Back Again: The Official Leavetaking Thread
Replies: 193
Views: 584854

M'back. Back from Tennessee and done with family obligations.
by Zhao Xun
Sat Dec 29, 2007 6:55 am
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: There and Back Again: The Official Leavetaking Thread
Replies: 193
Views: 584854

Hey-oh, this is kind of retroactive, but I realized I forgot to post before I left. I'm in Tennessee visiting my girlfriend, have been since Tuesday. Be back on Monday. Don't have enough time to write a post while I'm here, very busy with the whole "meet the family and friends" thing. Have...