Search found 29 matches

by Marionette
Wed Mar 19, 2008 8:41 pm
Forum: Lambda
Topic: Hopeful Tempting You Chance: Meeting the Master
Replies: 54
Views: 122562

Re: Hopeful Tempting You Chance: Meeting the Master

Zhao brought up a good question, a good question indeed, and it took a long moment of thought to bring a proper answer to mind. What WAS it that he did? Did he peer into their very souls and know what they were, inside and out? Or did he simply make very, very good guesses? somE portionS oF thE gam...
by Marionette
Fri Mar 14, 2008 10:03 pm
Forum: Lambda
Topic: Hopeful Tempting You Chance: Meeting the Master
Replies: 54
Views: 122562

Re: Hopeful Tempting You Chance: Meeting the Master

Ah, Phoenix, finally getting down to the other important questions. What of the Admins? What of the Elites? Was there information he could give? In fact, there wasn't. Not really. thE planS oF thosE abovE arE opeN onlY tO theM, anD mostlY noT eveN tO eacH otheR. iT iS rarE thaT theY worK togetheR s...
by Marionette
Thu Mar 13, 2008 3:03 pm
Forum: Lambda
Topic: Hopeful Tempting You Chance: Meeting the Master
Replies: 54
Views: 122562

Re: Hopeful Tempting You Chance: Meeting the Master

It was obvious that Canti didn't like the answers he got, not entirely, but he continued to question anyways. He was tenacious, that was granted, perhaps beyond his own ability. Could he find an unanswerable question? "thE messengeR learneD nothinG froM nalL. youR leadeR iS verY practiceD iN h...
by Marionette
Wed Mar 12, 2008 11:25 pm
Forum: Lambda
Topic: Hopeful Tempting You Chance: Meeting the Master
Replies: 54
Views: 122562

Re: Hopeful Tempting You Chance: Meeting the Master

To Senna, Marionette remains an impassable wall. She wanted to know too much, and his answers would not satisfy her. Knowing this, the puppetmaster remained stonily silent to her question. Canti's, on the other hand, were much more answerable. "I aM nO clasS, iN youR termS. iT haS beeN lonG si...
by Marionette
Wed Mar 12, 2008 5:42 pm
Forum: Lambda
Topic: Hopeful Tempting You Chance: Meeting the Master
Replies: 54
Views: 122562

Re: Hopeful Tempting You Chance: Meeting the Master

Ah, and so the fiery blademaster caught on to his not-so-subtle hints. Nall, yes Nall, the ever present lead force of this gang of rebels, always seeming to get himself in more trouble than he was able to get out of. This time was no different, save, perhaps, he hadn't actively been seeking the tro...
by Marionette
Tue Mar 11, 2008 7:50 pm
Forum: Lambda
Topic: Hopeful Tempting You Chance: Meeting the Master
Replies: 54
Views: 122562

Re: Hopeful Tempting You Chance: Meeting the Master

Ah yes. The man of many classes, the man who began as a heavy blade and turned into a special class that had since vanished from The World. The data existed in places, but was fractured, inaccessible, corrupted. Dualist was no more, yet this man still stood before him. The transformation into a Fis...
by Marionette
Tue Mar 11, 2008 3:18 pm
Forum: Lambda
Topic: Hopeful Tempting You Chance: Meeting the Master
Replies: 54
Views: 122562

Re: Hopeful Tempting You Chance: Meeting the Master

Of course it was the one named Phoenix who was the first to speak. His questions were as expected; simple, quickly delivered, and to the point. He wanted to know the capabilities of the puppetmaster. Would his answers be sufficient? "I knoW whaT I dO througH observatioN anD extrapolatioN. morE...
by Marionette
Mon Mar 10, 2008 7:42 pm
Forum: Lambda
Topic: Hopeful Tempting You Chance: Meeting the Master
Replies: 54
Views: 122562

Re: Hopeful Tempting You Chance: Meeting the Master

He surveyed the group as they came in, one by one, and he knew them all. He knew their minds and their bodies, their powers and their habits. He knew all the buttons he could push on any of them, to get them to do anything he wanted. Guardian, his faithful partner, returned to his side and began to...
by Marionette
Tue Sep 18, 2007 2:46 am
Forum: Lambda
Topic: Third and Final Hub: Breaking and Entering!
Replies: 176
Views: 287793

To: Senna, Rayo, Silk, Phoenix, Zhao Xun, Hacorie, Canti, Sekai, Raquar
From: Marionette
RE: resolvE

iF yoU cannoT kilL onE sO likE yoU, hoW caN yoU hopE tO defeaT thosE whO puT yoU therE? iF yoU cannoT defeaT mY angeL, I havE nO usE foR yoU.
by Marionette
Mon Sep 17, 2007 1:00 am
Forum: Lambda
Topic: Third and Final Hub: Breaking and Entering!
Replies: 176
Views: 287793

To: Canti
From: Marionette
RE: This Guardian

thE goaL yoU havE iN minD iS noT onE thaT yoU caN dO. thE angeL iS noT bounD aS werE thE otherS. shE followS mE freelY.
by Marionette
Fri Aug 10, 2007 1:47 am
Forum: Lambda
Topic: Third and Final Hub: Breaking and Entering!
Replies: 176
Views: 287793

Flashmail To: Rayo From: Marionette RE: (none) yoU wisH tO knoW whaT thE kingS anD queenS arE doinG, wherE theY arE? I telL yoU iT plaiN: tO finD theM aS yoU arE noW wilL leavE yoU nO betteR thaN theY arE. iF yoU wisH tO havE thE slightesT breatH oF chancE oN youR sidE, comE tO mE firsT. Flashmail ...
by Marionette
Mon Aug 06, 2007 5:46 am
Forum: Lambda
Topic: Third and Final Hub: Breaking and Entering!
Replies: 176
Views: 287793

Flashmails To: Nighthand From: Marionette RE: (none) beinG contenT iS A virtuE, buT iS iT onE yoU caN afforD? To: Senna From: Marionette RE: (none) yoU ploT againsT onE oF youR owN. iS therE A traitoR iN youR midsT? To: Rayo From: Marionette RE: (none) A changE iN skiN, buT arE yoU thE samE despitE...
by Marionette
Wed Jul 04, 2007 3:34 am
Forum: Lambda
Topic: Second Run: Who pulls the strings?
Replies: 200
Views: 276031

To: Sekai
From: Marionette
Subject: thE gamE
yoU shalL bE thE onE. looK tO thE corneR.
by Marionette
Thu May 03, 2007 5:04 am
Forum: Lambda
Topic: Second Run: Who pulls the strings?
Replies: 200
Views: 276031

To: Reinier
From: Marionette
RE: knowledgE

I aM whaT yoU makE oF mE. neutralitY iS aN illusioN. I havE watcheD yoU, longeR thaN yoU knoW. I knoW yoU morE thaN yoU knoW.

End Flashmail
by Marionette
Wed May 02, 2007 7:03 am
Forum: Lambda
Topic: Second Run: Who pulls the strings?
Replies: 200
Views: 276031

Flashmail To: Silverblade From: Marionette RE: messagE I knoW whaT yoU arE. caN thaT helP yoU wherE yoU arE goinG? End Flashmail Flashmail To: Lighteria From: Marionette RE: messagE blackeneD birD iN enlighteneD bodY; yoU knoW noT whaT tO dO. wilL thaT ignorancE bE thE deatH oF yoU? End Flashmail F...