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Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2003 8:06 pm
by Zavier_D
The steps into a the room and the door locks behind them. "You guys, there is no letting up. Here, we live, or we die, but we live or die together, understood?" "Yes!" The team cheered as they looked upon their final boss, a giant tree. "You know, my friend told me about this, but i had never seen one. Well, you guys remember the plan, we will atack, however Myk, you constantly use repth and healing items. Let's do it!"

The team runs into the center of the room, their weapons out, ready to confront the giant tree. "Team, Operation Strategy!" Zavier yells, and he jets once again to the left. He comes up from the side of the three, dodging one of its attacks. "Take this you stupid plant!" he yells as he slashes the tree. It doesn't hit the tree, and the tree hits him, taking away 1/4 of his health. He jumps back to escape another attack. "This is going to take a big effort, i just hope we can do it."

Xyrjo and shadow see Zavier get hit and try to take advantage by attacking the tree towards its torso. "20, 14" "That's our damage? Man, this is going to be tough. Hey Shadow, look out!" Xyrjo screams as the tree lunges an attack. Shadow jumps back, not without losing some hit ponts. "I"m alright. You guys, we have to find a weakness to this thing!"

Tirath hacks away at the tree limbs from the right, hoping to make some damage on the monster. "14, miss, miss, 15, 21, miss, miss." "Agh, this thing has way strong defence. AHH" He screams as another limb swipes him in the face.

"Repth!" Myk calls as she heals Tirath. He begans to thank the wave master but he is stopped. "Thank me later. We have a job to do first. Go and help the others, i'll do what i can."

Zavier runs up behind the enemy. "Group, Skills!" He calls, and each member responds. "Miss, 36, 44, 31" "God, i missed!" Zavier screams as he jumps back to avoid getting hit. "YOu guys, remember, we don't have any resurrects, so don't die on me. " The tree stkes with ligtening speed, crushign Zavier's torso, taking his health by half. He pulls out a health drink, curing himself. He sees Shadow and Xyrjo taking heavy damage. "Hey, Myk, what's going on? Why aren't they being healed?"

"I'm trying, I'm trying to keep up. Repth! Zavier don't worry about it, just focus on killing that thing. AHH!" Myk screams as the tree tries to strike the wave master, but it misses.

Zavier begans try to stab the tree, looking for a weakness, but has no luck. "Our powers are draining fast. We can only do this for a short time....I can't let them down, not now...." Zavier suddenly begans to glow. His eyes began to turn blue, his platinum hair begans go up, almost as if being blown in the wind. Suddenly, his hair turns golden, and his sword becomes pitch black. "Alright, monster, get ready to taste the power of a blademaster, of the God of Fire and Brimstone!" Zavier yells as the others watch him.

"What is he? How is he able to do that.....what unique power," Tirath thinks as he rolls out of the way. "Well, i have an idea. Xyrjo, Shadow, hurry, come to me now!"

As Zavier spins in the air, the others rush to Tirath as he tells them a plan of attack. The tree is focused on Zavier, getting ready to counter the attack.

"CROSS SLASH!!!!!" Zavier yells as he jets down towards the tree. As they reach, multiple limbs attack him, reducing his hp. "YAAAHHH!!!!'" he screams as the slashes teh tree on the back. "85". The tree staggers back, reering from the wound that has been inflicted on it. "Uhh." Zavier moans as he hits the ground. His hair returns to normal, and so does his body. "Come on you guys......defeat....this thing....."

"Now!" Tirath screams as the tree begans making its way towards Zavier. Tirath, Xyrjo, and Shadow charge towards the beast back, and as they reach it, they both do their skills on the same spot, the wound that Zavier opened on the beast. "56, 53, 55". The monster reels in pain, knowing that it may soon lose this battle.

"HOld on Zavier, my sp has to heal first. Just hold on...I'll get you healed" Myk thinks as she impateintly waits for her sp to regenerate. "Come on, come on, come on...."

"Now, let's finish this thing before it gets the chance to do any more damage. I want you all to kill it!" Tirath, Shadow, and XYrjo charge together, put their blades into one form. "Let's see if you like this move we came up with. Tri Strike!" Shadow stikes, Xyrjo strkes, Tirath, spins to make his weapon pierce even deeper...

"DO IT!" Myk screams as she sees their weapons edge towards teh wond. "I have enough power. Zavier, here you go! Repth!"...

Zavier watches as the three warriors make their final attack. "This has to do it...." he says weakly as he is engulfed in light...


The tree staggers as its life is sucked out. The three warrios fall to the ground, blacking out as the tree crashes to the ground, yielding up a treasure, and disappearing.

Tirath, Shadow, and Xyrjo wake up to see Zavier and Myk smiling at them from above. "Zavier, you're alright!" they scream as they slap the warrior on the back and chest.

"Yeah, thanks to you guys and Myk. You guys did a wonderful job. WIthout you, this woulnd't have happend. I will make sure that we stay in touch for a long time." As the others dust themselves off, Zavier notices the chess. "Myk, i think you deserve the honor of opening this chest. That's was an excellent job you did back there."

"You know what, why don't we all open it together." Myk says.

They all click the treasure chest, and they each receive a rainbow card.

"Well, i'll be. But hey, we can use it to trade...after all, their woth 1000gp a pice." Myk remarks.

Zavier notices that the others look at him, and then began to move nervously. "Hey guys, what's up?"

Tirath steps up to Zavier. "Zavier, we all want to know something.....back when we were fighting that tree.....what happened? How did you do that?"

Zavier smiles, realizing that he will have to explain everything. "Let's wait until we get back to the root town. There, I will tell you guys everything." They all agree, and as they take one final look around the room, they make thier way back up the dungeon.

"Finally...I got kinda tired of seeing that dungeon." Shadow remarks as he looks around.

"But Shadow, i thought you loved darkiness?....hehe" Zavier replies comically. They all laugh, and warp themselves back to Mac Anu...

(OOC: Hope you guys like the ending)

Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2003 8:15 pm
by Zavier_D
"Hey you guys, i just got a flahs mail from one of my friends. He needs me to come to him, his is scouting this new field." Zavier is moved as his new friends ask him to stay. "Dont' worry, i will be back. Be on alert for one of my flash mails. Anyway, i still have to tell you guys about my power. Well, i have to get somethings.....its been good....i will see you guys around."

The group watches as Zavier makes his way. But they know that he will return; whether its sooner or later, they don't know.

Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2003 8:28 pm
by Tirath
"well looks like my information wasn't quite right after all. I could have sworn that they said there'd be a statue......" Tirath looks to the remaining members of the group. "you know i heard that a group went after that hacker that attacked the Root Town, think its tolate to catch up to them?"

Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2003 10:51 pm
by Myk
yeah this is a 5 level dungeon and the treasure is in a statue...
an admin is supposed to grant the treaseures too...

maybe we just got to a dead end...

this is very odd...

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2003 12:43 am
by Nall

The players walk up to the GOTT statue. They open the chest.

Myk has been granted --> Rusted Hands
Zavier has been granted --> Gakaku
Shadow has been granted --> Phantom Blades
Tirath has been granted --> Brigandine

Myk --> +1 level!
Zavier --> +1 level!
Tirath --> +1 level!

(OOC: good job guys!)