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Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2003 1:48 am
by Rayo
"Come fight me. All of you at once if that is what you desire," challenges the Axemaster.

"Fighting you would be pointless. You are another player. Just step out of the way," orders Zavier.

"You should not be trying to rush past. I wont allow you. Besides, do you not want to fight after all this. A big finale..." Axemaster.

"You're not worth it," states Rayo.

"None of you will pass unless I am defeated. I mean business."

"Lets just fight him and move on. He said the statue is in the next room," opinioned Tyridac.

"If we are going to have to fight him, we should be careful. This is a lv.5 axemaster. He will have great endurance and offensive abilities. He is slow though, an doutnumbered three to one. We should not be too hasty though. Only you Zavier, are within the same skill range. But you do have more expirience. We should think of a plan before rushing in. We saw his power earlier on," sums up Rayo.

"Let us do combat then," an eager Tyridac demands.

"Wait, we should be careful. I suggest that only one of us go in first, to see what he can do. Zavier, do you want to go. I'll sit back and heal you, that will give you a definate edge. We can gauge his abilities before getting committed," plans Rayo.

ooc:We were whispering, you did not hear any of that Myk

Zavier steps forward.

"So you will be the first. You do seem to be the strongest among the lot of you. Prepare yourself."

Zavier draws his blade and the Axemaster lifts his Ax.

ooc:Zavier or Myk should start the fight

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2003 4:02 am
by Zavier_D
Zavier begans to run towards the Axemaster. "Hold on....let me change the room setting, you know, to give us more room." The Axemaster waves his axe, and the room's size is expanded considerably. "Now, come to me Zavier! Show me the skill of a Blademaster!"

Zavier runs towards the Axemaster, looking for flaws in his fighting technique. "I guess I should start this thing off with a bang....Revolver!" Zavier spins at his enemy, and scores several hits. As he finishes, the axemaster hits him hard in the stomach and does axle pain. After the attack Zavier flips back, thinking on the attack he had just done.

"Well, Axemaster, this is destined to be.....quite a battle."

"Indeed....but I am confident that I will come out on top...Yaah!!" The Axemaster makes his way to Zavier and swings his axe. Zavier evades the attack and slices upward, injuring his attacker. The Axemaster does a swing, and turns around, almost in a full circle swipe. Zavier's arm is hit, and he retaliates by jumping into the air and swiping the Axemaster across the chest plate. He slashes again and is knocked back by a strong but attack.

"Wow......heal me Rayo. We can't take this guy lightly.....he's good, and he has seen our skills."

(OOC: This should be fun)

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2003 4:57 am
by Myk
(occ: Jsut as reference, the Axe Master, heh heh, never would say he's confident of something, he just wouldn't disagree with you is all.0

The Axe Master stands by as Rayo uses his heal spell.
You seem to be a pretty good Wavemaster, but I don't like that you are healing people while I fight.

The Axe Master walks towards Rayo, Zavier pounces on the Axe Master as he approaches. The Axe Master gives a mighty heave to Zavier, who go sailing to the other side of the room. The Axe Master walks right up to Rayo...
Hello Rayo, how are you doing?

"ummm...ok i guess..." ~Rayo

That's good, I wouldn't want you last moment to be uncomfortable.

The Axe Master raises his mighty axe and brings it down to Rayo.
"NOOOO!!" ~Tyradic, as he jumps i nthe way of the axe, and falls dead.

That was a noble sacrafice, but too bad it won't do you any good however; I will spare this wavemaster for a moment.

The Axe Master turns his sights, once again, to Zavier.
Get up. I demand that you get up, otherwise I will kill you now.

Bruised, but not beaten, Zavier raises. He feels kind of funny though. His hair and eyes begin to look funny...
Oh no, we can't have that!

The Axe Master, unaware of what is going on behind him (if he were, he'd know that Tyradic had been restored, and Rayo had regained all his sp) raises his mighty Battle Axe..
Since last we met, Zavier, I have gained some new powers. Would you like to see? I bet you would.

The area grows completely dark. A horrible screeching sound can be heard by all, sending everyone, except the Axe Master, who seems to be chanting something, to the ground. A bright white light appears in the middle of the floor, and out of it crawls a parasite dragon.
Zavier, this is my parasite dragon, he will do what I say, if I am not around though, he will die.
Zavier, is this a good day to die?

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2003 10:52 am
by Zavier_D
(OOC: You're kidding!)

Zavier looks at the Parasite Dragon as it rises from the ground. It hovers in the air, bellowing out small amounts of slames at Zavier. Luckily, he is far enough away for it not to reach him. Zavier begans to feel strange once again. His hair tingles, and the symbol on his arm glows green. Without warning, Zavier is emersed in green light, and darkness pools on the ground in front of him. Slowly, a green dragon begans to climb out of the hole, and as it does, it unfurls its wings and roars at the parasite dragon. The Parasite Dragon roars back, and flies higher into the air, soon joined by the Green Dragon. The two dragons stare at eachother, waiting to commence the fighting.

The Wood Symbol of Power rests on Zaver's chest, and Zavier is given some, but not all, of the dragon's power. "Well, Axe are strong. But, I am a Blademaster: There's no way I'm losing this battle."

"Well then, Zavier, show me your true skill. Enough talk...either put up or shut up!" The Axe Mast charges at Zavier, and as he reaches range of Zavier, does an arc swipe with his weapon. Zavier, surprised by the reach of the weapon, gets grazed on the arm, but responds by giving the Axe Master, two quick cuts to the left arm. The Axe Master slightly grimaces as Zavier hits him.

"Hmm....I hurt a little bit more now don't I. Don't worry: I will make this as quick as I can!" Zavier does three flips into the air, and comes down wih his blade, with is blocked by the Axe Master's axe. They stand in a state of gridlock, trying to force the other off, a proof of the strongest...

The Dragons commence their fighting (OOC: from now on, I will refer to the Wood dragon as Wd, and the Parsite dragon as Pd) Wd lauches a ball of flame at Pd. Pd dodges the attack and tries to ram into Wd. Wd roars and a tornado of leaves envelope it, shielding its body from too much damadge. Pd flaps its wings powefully, dispensing with the tornado, and bites Wd in the shoulder. Pd moans in pain, and flies high into the air, slamming Pd into the celing, freeing Wd from its attack. The two dragons snarl at eachother, waiting for the other to make a move.

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2003 2:17 pm
by Rayo
ooc:Myk, I would try running from an approaching attacker or counterattack or something

Zavier and the Axemaster clashed. The Axemaster swung his Axe at Zavier who bakced up a step and mostly avoided it. The counterattack was a revolver. Pd lunged at Wd. It gored into the Wd's neck and threw it to the ground. Now, at a safer distance away and prepared in case they are struck at, Rayo uses repth on the Wd. The Wd blows a tornaedo of vines at the Pd and ties it up. The Wd repeatly claws at the injured Pd.

"He is not holding anything back..." pondered Zavier.

"Ready to quit?" Axemaster.

"No, I have just begun to fight."

Zavier dodges to the right as he closes distance to the Axemaster.

"You have a bit of a problem, that heavy axe," Zavier. "It is not the fastest swing. I can see it coming. You will never get direct hits with such a heavy weapon. Let me show you the right way to attack."

Zavier unleashes another revolver wounding even further the Axemaster.

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2003 5:17 pm
by Rayo
ooc:how long will this one fight last?

The Axemaster steps back a few feet and takes a few deep breaths.

"This could be a bit hard," the Axemaster realized. "His dragon has matched mine and this blademaster is tough enough without the crew of support. Well, I have handled his helpers, and Pd will beat that other Dragon soon enough anyway..."

"Uttering your prays Axemaster," questioned Zavier.

"If I was, I would have been praying for your poor mortal soul."

Axe and blade clash and intertwine as the blade and Axe are practically latched on to eachother. The Axemaster gains an advantage when he knocks the blademaster to the ground. While on the ground however, Zavier made a side swipe with his blade, bringing the Axemaster to the floor as well.

"Hmm, how could we help him out," ponders Rayo out loud.

"Are you crazy! I do not want to die again. Let Zavier take care of it," disagreed Tyridac.

"We cannot just sit back like spectators. Watching fights is not my strong suit. We only made it this far by working together."

Zavier hits the Axemaster with anoother round of revolver. The Axemaster endures it and actually moves forward and performs Axle pain. Zavier is thrown back into the middle of the room. The Axemaster charges to get in some hits and finish Zavier before he can rise. As he is a bout to reach Zavier the floor rises and blows the Axemaster back a few feet. The ground acted like a wall between the two and Zavier got up and went around it, ready to fight.

"What was that," a puzzled Axemaster asks.

"That would be Gan Zot," replies Rayo. "Do you really think that we will just sit back and let you kill Zavier?

"We...?" wonders the Axemaster.

Just then, Tyridac slices at the Axemaster's back and runs off again to where Rayo is.

"When you fight one member of this party, you fight all of the members of this party. Besides, you summoned a dragon. I know our side did that also but...that implies you don't mind if we all pitch in to fight anyway," a determined Rayo tells him.

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2003 6:43 pm
by Myk
The Axe Master is obviously in great pain, but he seems to be scheming something.
Parasite Dragon, come!

The hulking beast breaks off his attack and comes down to the Axe Master. The Axe Master climbs onto the beast's back, and the two of them head back towards the Wood Dragon. The two synchronize their attacks, and begin to beat the wood dragon back to it's world. The three on the ground look at the fight, seemingly unable to do anything to help the fight, the dragons were too far above the heads of spectators, and besides all the sp was drained to summon the wood dragon.
AXEL PAIN!!!! Ok, Parasite Dragon, I am jumping off, you finish off this little baby dragon. (occ: Yes, the wood dragon is just a baby!)

The Axe Master leaps off the back of the dragon, axe drawn, and crashes down onto the ground, breaking on leg.
Oh man, I wish that I had brought some health drinks with me. Oh well. The three of you must die!!!

In whispers...
"Hey, Zavier, he just broke his leg, all you have to do is break his other one." ~Rayo

"Hmmm...good plan, but I'll need you two to distract him while I do that." ~Zavier

What are you guys whispering about? Hmmm? A plan? Perhaps, to break my other leg? HA! I'd like to see you try that.

Whisper Whisper
"How does he know that?" ~Tyradic

"He's bluffing, he doesn't know." ~Zavier

Suddenly the Wood Dragon falls to the ground, broken and bleeding.
HA HA HA HA HA!!! Zavier, lok at your puny dragon! HA! It's sucha failure just like you. All you you are failures!

Zavier began to glow, a very familiar sort of glow...
Uh-oh...that's not good!

The Parasite Dragon comes swooping down to kill all...
NO!! Stop! I want to fight them alone now!

The Parasite Dragon is none too pleased with this, and turns on his master.
I can't un-sommon it! Please! Help ME!!!

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2003 8:34 pm
by Zavier_D
AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Zavier's here turns golden and his eyes become blue once again. He walks towards the Axemasteier, and as the dragon tries to attack him, he slices it quickly in the right eye. The Dragon screams in pain and flies up to the celing, brushing at its eye. Zavier walks over to the wood dragon, who is in very bad shape. He touches it, and the Dragon begins to glow. Zavier flinches slightly as much of his power is given to the Dragon

The Wd gets up, renewed, and sees his enemy Pd. Zavier sees Wd jet towards him, and Zavier uses his energy to shoot him up towards the dragon too. The dragon sees them, and as it tries to get away, Zavier and Wd do a clinch attack. "Revolver!" Zavier screams as he slashes into the dragon. The dragon falls to the ground, moaning. It sees Wd flying very fast at it, and it knows its time is up. It opens its mouth, and a sort of beam blast splits into two, one hitting Wd as he hits him, one hitting the Axe Master. The Axe master screams in agony as he is slammed against the wall.

The light and smoke clear, and the Wind Dragon is gasping, obviously drained and happy that it has one its fight. "You did well, my dear dragon," Zavier says as he strokes the Dragon's underbelly and neck. "Now, go back to your land. Whenever I need help, i will call on your power to give me strength. I'm sure you will become more poweful as I level up." The Dragon roars, and a green portal opens, and it flies into the portal.

Zavier turns and looks at the wall. "Surprising that he is still alive..." Zavier mutters as he makes his way towards the Axe Master. The Axemaster is in very bad shape, and with no way to heal himself, he is defenseless. Zavier raises his black sword and points it at the chest of the warrior. He strikes, and his armor is broken. "Axe Master, you have been beaten. Now, I ask you only once; cease this battle."

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2003 9:04 pm
by Myk
yes, let's end this
you have done very well to get through everything that I had set out for you
go through the door and claim your prizes

the party goes through and recieves...

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2003 9:12 pm
by Rayo
"Well, if you promise not to fight us anymore, we will let you alone. Repth," Rayo says as he partially heals the Axemaster. "That should give you enough health not to get killed on your way out."

"Come, the treasure is waiting..." Zavier.

They push open the doors and throught he blinding light spot...

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2003 9:13 pm
by Zavier_D
Ok Myk, just tell us what we get.

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2003 9:15 pm
by Myk
all, except xyrjo gain +4 levels, xyrjo gains 2
zavier: 8 phase sword
rayo: earth wand
tyradic: rondo (sword)

As the party leaves the room, they see the Axe Master again...
"Who are you?" ~Rayo

I am nothing. I am Xyrjo. The former heavyblade is now a heavy axe. The only heavy axe. The master of the heavy axe. The Axe Master.