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Christmas Carols (And Special Treat)

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2003 12:02 pm
by Nighthand
Below i have posted three more of my wonderful Christmas Carols. but besides that, i bet you're all wondering what the special treat is... well, you'll have to read the carols to find out! MuaHAHAHAAAAAA!!!!!!!

The First song in the list is a song to Nayru, Nall’s Spirit left among us. A little off in places, but it serves it’s purpose. Enjoy, Away in a Server.

Away in a Server

(to Away in a Manger)

Away in a server, no script for a bed,
The little bird Nayru laid down his small head.
The stars in the sky looked down where he lay,
The little bird Nayru asleep in the hay.
The Grunties are lowing, the player awakes,
But little bird Nayru no errors he makes.
I love Thee, bird Nayru, look down from the sky
And stay by my hideout til morning is nigh.
Be near me, bird Nayru, I ask Thee to stay
Close by me forever, and help me, I pray.
Bless all the dear Players in thy tender care,
And take us to Yamiya, to fight with Thee there.

This Next song is all about the hacking and the twilight. Not that fitting a topic for a Christmas song conversion, but it works out. To the tune of Deck the Halls, here’s Hack the Halls

Hack the Halls

(to Deck the Halls)

Hack the halls with scripts Binary,
Fa la la la la la, la la la la.
Tis the reason to be scary,
Fa la la la la la, la la la la.
Don we now our hacked apparel,
Fa la la, la la la, la la la.
Scroll the ancient Twilight carol,
Fa la la la la la, la la la la.
See the blazing words before us,
Fa la la la la la, la la la la.
Strike the Bug and join the forces.
Fa la la la la la, la la la la.
Follow me in careful measure,
Fa la la, la la la, la la la.
While I tell of Twilight treasure,
Fa la la la la la, la la la la.
Fast away the old year passes,
Fa la la la la la, la la la la.
Hail the new, ye lads and lasses,
Fa la la, la la la, la la la.
Fight we hopeless, all together,
Fa la la la la la, la la la la.
Heedless of the wind and weather,
Fa la la la la la, la la la la.

This final conversion is perhaps the most reckless and daring of the three. To the tune of Three Kings of Orient, I made a song praising Garra as the Lord of the Hackers, and Savior of The World, much as his hacker underlings would see him. Enjoy, Three Kings of Yamiya.

Three Kings of Yamiya

(to Three Kings of Orient)

We three kings of Yamiya are,
Bearing hacks we traverse afar,
Field and fountain, morr and mountain,
Following our Garaa.
O, star of wonder, star of might,
Star with royal beauty bright,
Westward leading, still proceeding,
Guide us to the perfect light.
Born a babe on Delta’s plain;
Gold we bring to crown Him again;
King forever, ceasing never,
Over us all to reign.
Frankincense to offer have I;
Incense owns a Deity nigh;
Prayer and praising, all men raising,
Worship Him, as God on High.
Myrrh is mine; its bitter perfume
Breathes a life of gathering gloom;
Sorrowing, sighing, bleeding, dying,
Seal'd in the stone-cold tomb.
Glorious now behold Him arise,
King and God and sacrifice,
Hacker sings, "Hallelujah!"
Hallelujah!" we reply.

In case you were wondering, the three kings would be Royce, Kuja, and Melzas. They seem to have been the biggest thorns in our sides so far, short of Garra, who is separate from them.

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2003 12:04 pm
by Nighthand
----Warning! Warning! Special Treat Ahead! Warning! Warning!----

And now, I bring to you, and original work of fiction, the Divergence Christmas.

Divergence Christmas

It was the evening of December 24th, Christmas Eve. Around the world, people had put up trees and lights, in preparation for the grand event. And within The World, people were celebrating.

The center of Mac Anu was re-done, just for the occasion. The river was frozen over, perfect for ice skating. The Chaos gate was not its normal texture, instead, a gigantic green wreath floated in the air. Candy canes and ornaments hung above every doorway, on every wall. The bridge was hung with lights, coating the icy river with a flickering glow.

The opposite end of the town, where most people socialized, the empty plaza had been filled. In the center stood a Christmas Tree like none other. Rising into the night sky, it was covered in lights, ornaments and tinsel. Every player that logged on got the chance to design their own ornament.

Hanging in the branches of the tree were some simple ornaments, a sword or a set of twinblades from some. There were some gruesome, such as the head of Tritoch adorning a branch in the back. Some were cute, like the chibi gingi and asura. It all blended together to create an atmosphere of perfection. Nothing could spoil this night.

This was a night when the rebels and the admins could mingle, without anything happening. The crimson knights were all dressed up, most in elf costumes. The higher rank admins wore santa costumes. Even Lazzar was dressed up, though not much. He wore reindeer horns with a scowl.

“They made me do it.” He scowls.

The rebels, freedom fighters as they liked to be called, all had their own activities. Tokki skated on the river, dancing between Argilus and Asura. Rayo and Vera used their magic to roast nuts for the passerbys. Wren fought as best he could, trying to escape Gingi trying to hang him up as an angel ornament. Nighthand drifted, fitting nowhere, but going everywhere. Asgard and the rest hit the Christmas party in the bar. Along with them all, normal players were everywhere.

Snow softly drifted down from the sky, slowly coating the land, as NPC carolers softly sang tunes in the background. All was peaceful. Nothing could ruin this night.

Or so they all thought.

Suddenly, there was a strange figure in the town. Dressed all in green, this player seemed to have nothing better to do than bug the others. He chose Nighthand to go after first.

“My name is Grinichi.”
“Good for you.”
“I have come to steal Christmas.”
“Oh have you? Go ahead then, don’t let me stop you.”
“You don’t believe me.”
“Of course not.”

Grinichi stormed off in search of someone else. He found Asgard.

“Hmm? You need something?”
“My name is Grinichi.”
“That’s nice. Was there something?”
“I have come to steal Christmas.”
Asgard laughed.
“Steal Christmas? That can’t be done.”
“You don’t believe me.”
“I told you, it can’t be done. Now scram, before I tire of this.”

Again Grinichi was told off, and again he looked for another player. He found Gingi.

“My name is Grinichi.”
“Grinichi, huh? Sounds familiar somehow…”
“I have come to steal Christmas.”
“Well…Huh? Hey, wait you!”

Gingi ran off, chasing after Wren who had almost given her the slip once again. Grinichi sighed, and headed for the tree.

* * *

“People of the Delta Server!” came a voice from the treetop.

The party goers all looked, silence falling over the town.

“My name is Grinichi, and I have come to steal Christmas!”
“Grinichi, Grinichi… Ah! I know!” Gingi said aloud. “Grinichi was a program made by Kuja to disrupt special admin events. Seems he’s the Grinch, this time.”

Before the players could do anything, Grinichi had gone, taking with him the tree.

* * *

Gingi had called a meeting of the group. They all met behind the chaos gate, battle-ready.
“We have to do something.”
“Christmas could be ruined.”
“Who was that player?”
“Yea, the one that took the tree.”
“He said his name was Grinichi.”
“Where did he come from?”
“He’s a Program made by Kuja.”
“What does he do?”
“He disrupts admin events.”
“He steals Christmas.”
“And we have to get it back.”

Suddenly, an old and familiar face to a few of the players appeared, dropping from the rooftop overhead. Wings spread, Nevaeh dropped in.

To many of the players, Nevaeh was an imposing sight. He had wings, much like the legendary Balmung did. One of his wings was white, angelic in nature. The other was a mirror image, black. Covering parts of his body was a red mesh, much like the green mesh used to identify data bugs. He was also a hacker of some talent, though no where near as powerful as the hacker council led by Garaa.

“Greetings all, I hear the holiday has been taken.” He said.
“That is has, Nevaeh. And we need to get it back.”
“I know just the place. I figured at a time when you would all be out in the open was a prime time for Garaa to strike, and so I set trackers. I followed this Grinichi to the field Delta: Softly Snowing Demon. Let’s get him.”

The group nodded, and followed Nevaeh through the gate to the field.

* * *

The field was unlike any other. It was only a single building on a small island. Hanging above the gateway to the building was a sign. The sign read: Santa’s Workshop. Above the sign, high up on the steeply peaked roof, was the tree.

“I can hack the tree back to it’s proper place, if you can get me to it.” Nevaeh said. “However, I cannot fly there. It’s too high, and I can feel a barrier.”
“The we will fight, to get you there.”

The group moved off, into Santa’s Workshop.

Just inside the workshop was an elf. Well, it was supposed to be an elf. In reality, it was just a goblin, wearing an elf suit. It stopped them.

“Who dare’s come into Santa’s Workshop with hostile intent?”
“We do, the Defender’s of Christmas.”
“Christmas has been saved. You do not need to be here.”
“We must return the tree to Mac Anu, and you cannot stop us.”
“I may not be able to, but the toy’s will.”
“The Toys?”

In answer, the elflin stepped to the side. Behind him, rows of lights flared to life, revealing rows and rows of life size reindeer robots. As one, they began marching forward, to attack the party.

This was no threat to the party, and they had no trouble killing the entire herd. But before they could do anything, more of the robots appeared. They were unending.

The party, seeing that they could not fight forever, ran to the other end of the room. There, in the wall, was a staircase. It was labeled Santa’s Tower.

The party rushed up the stairs, where the quadruped robots could not follow.

They ran and they ran, for what seemed like hours, though it could not have been more than minutes. Finally, they reached the top.

And there, in front of them, was the tree.

And in between the tree and the party, was Santa.

Santa Claws.

This Santa could not have been more evil. He had a malicious grin on his face, fit to scare away little children. He had dirty gray hair, and his suit was ragged. And in each hand, was a heavy blade. He was a duelist.

Without saying a word, he rushed them, forcing them to fight.

Before any of them could get a hit in, however, Nevaeh called them to a halt.

“We cannot harm Santa! If we do, the tree will be deleted! And that we cannot let happen.”
“Then how are we to defeat Santa?”
“Just hold him off. I’ll deal with it.”

Together, the group held off Santa, giving Nevaeh time to work his magic. And when the Santa finally fell silent, they looked to see how.

There, in front of the tree, was Grinichi. No longer was he wearing his green outfit. Now, he was wearing an elf outfit, like the goblin in the entry. Nevaeh explained.

“Grinichi controlled Santa. I found him, and hacked him to our side. Once I did, he stopped Santa, and returned him to his normal self. Now, we can bring the tree home.”

Together, the group gated back to the root town, with Grinichi and the tree in tow. Once back in Mac Anu, the people cheered.

“Christmas is saved!”

“Ho Ho Ho! Merry Christmas!” came a voice from the sky.

Santa, his sleigh towed by the reindeer robots, swooped down, and delivered to everyone an item. Each player looked into their inventory, and found a key item. All now had a Santa Hat. And they all lived happily ever after.

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2003 1:04 pm
by Tirath

Wake up everyone it's Christmas!

Ok so it's not yet....but I love the song and story :D !

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2003 4:55 pm
by Wren
Spiffy Spiffy! Spiff! Spiff! :D

That was awesome, Nighthand. ^_^

*looks around for Gingi and hides his Angel wings* <_< But now I'm scared...

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2003 6:00 pm
by Gingitsune
Hehehe, wow Nighthand, that's so cool :D great job! *hums along to Divergence Carols*

*grins at Wren* I never give up, bwahahahaha!

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2003 9:59 pm
by Hijinx
"I am sorely disappointed. Not a single jinx? You speak madness nighthand. It was almost perfect...... I KNOW! :twisted: Lets go turn wren into an ornament! I'll help gingi! :twisted: " Wren is immediately tied up and dragged off the the closest pine tree. He is then tied to the top and covered with blinking red and green lights. "My work is done here. Time to go disrput any events in the subs! :D