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Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 8:13 pm
by Nall
Look, people arn't even posting in GD anymore. Hijinx was the only one who replied to my other message. Do you even check the boards anymore? I know things are slow, but not checking just makes things slower.

Pandora has had over a month to run. This just isn't going to cut it if we want to bring interest back to main. I hate to do this but I'm going to have to start getting strict. There are going to be a few things that are going to happen and the penalties are simple yet may be harsh.

1) If you "care" about posting and checking this forum then reply to this message in any way. If you want to contribute to the future of Main, then post. And don't think this doesn't go for the admins, I'm curious to see how fast the people who are supposed to be running the show see this. Subplot admins excluded though if Rayo you want to post to show how active you are by all means. Let this be a warning though, you will be left behind if you don't post (for whatever reason)

2) That brings me to another point, Pandora. I hate to do this to ya Hijinx, but we can't have a quest that moves once every 2 weeks. Due to this matter, I have to put a time limit on pandora. If Pandora isn't finnished by the end of the month, the 30th, then I will intervien and end it. Following that will be a week of "root server" activities and then the next weekend we will introduce our new recruits.

3) As I mentioned in #1, you will be left behind if you don't post. It will be your own responsibility to post when you can. Obviously if you don't check the boards for a week, and we had a battle and finnished it while you're away, that doesn't take you out of the story, but it detriments your grading. I will try and move the story at a well paced speed, but I have a life too, and I will try to give adequite time for people to read and post.

4) In the event that I have gone away for whatever reason, I will leave one or both of my admin-aids to take over the story. In the event that all my admin-aids are gone then I will try to work something out so that you can still post if you want, regardless of us doing anything. However, the only instance that I can see EVERYONE possibly being away is like christmas or something, in which case 90% of the people will be away anyways.

5) SPEAK YOUR MIND. You have anything to say, by all means say it. I will never get upset at any suggestion or "critisism" directed at me. And I quoted critisism because I mean that, not screaming. You have a problem, say so, don't scream so. You want a new hacked ability or whatnot, ask. I'll discuss it with people and make a descision. 9 times out of 10 I'll say yes unless you already have abilities out the ying yang. Remember, worst thing I can say if you ask for something is no.

6) I'm still trying to get Gingi to give me Admin status back, I have trouble doing much of anything without it. So, for the time being I won't be able to deal with any problems administrationlywise (lol). Either direct that at Gingi or Rayo since he still has admin on main.

Anyhoot, post whatch'a like here. And could SOMEONE explain to me what's happening with Battle Royal? Like actual details about where it will be, rules etc etc. thanks.

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 8:42 pm
by Phoenix512
I been checking here everyday but finding the time to post is hard. I'll try to post sometime this weekend but other things come up.

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 12:46 am
by Nighthand
Well said, Nall. Well said.

I posted in the subs recruitment thread, basically giving a brief history and a bit of my own caution to the people there. What I said there to some extent applies here was well. What we need is a kick in the pants to get moving again. The pandora was supposed to do that, but with Jinxy going awol it's not happening.

Also, another thing I mentioned in Subs, is we need Dedication. If you look, I believe Main is at an all-time low; post length, quality, frequency, even the number of members is dangerously low. I know I'm not above criticism, I've been just as bad as the rest of you. I admit, sometimes it can be demoralizing to see no new posts. It's easy to say 'I'll post after so and so posts' and wait. Personally, I'd like to say 'no more' to that.

Another issue; Cypher. I'm not sure what his deal is, but he seems to have neglected duties in Main, Subs, and elsewhere. Being a Rewards GM should involved being here; I don't know what, if any, penalties will be infliced for this absence, but I personally am not happy about it.

About Gingi turning Nall back to Admin; were you ever admin, nall? I remember you being moderator, but I thought Gingi has been the only Admin (save Rayo). Either way, Admin might be more efficient.

Also regarding that, I myself should have at least mod powers if i'm going to be GM. I havn't pushed it before, even though technically I've been co-GM since Asgard was running things. That's because I really don't see much that I would need/use the powers for. But perhaps to lend an official feel and a more unified front to the GM corp. The same goes for Cypher (or whoever replaces him if he's replaced.)

In closing, I'm here, and I look forward to delivering the kick Main so richly deserves.

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 1:50 am
by Nall
Well, like I said I wanna see how fast people will post, Cypher included. He might be replaced. However, we'll see. And as for my admin-powers, yes I used to be just moderator, but I had Gingi's pass if ever I needed to fix something on the board. But now I don't have her pass or even mod satus. I can't even make topics stickied XD lol it would be efficient to have admin powers or at least mod powers. But anyways, thank you pheonix for posting. lets see who else posts....

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 2:50 am
by HackerNuse
Alright. This is a sorry to you Nall, nighthand and to main entirely. I, like phoneix am currently busy with school and outside activities. This year is much more different for me because it is my jr. year of high school and having 3 APs. I know for some of you their isn't a problem trying to juggle divergence and school and life. But this is entirely new to me, I am trying to do my best this year, to work my hardest in school and sports and such. So this does cut heavily on my computer time, along with the fact my mom is limiting my time as well XP. But I do wish to continue in main, on quest and such. But as I said before this is a new year for me and much more tiresome. I tell you now though I shall do my best to be as active as I can, weather that means coming on once, three times or even everyday a week.
Again I am sorry. :(

PS if my post seem to be alittle spread out I hope you understand why. :(

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 4:01 am
by Cypher
Another issue; Cypher. I'm not sure what his deal is, but he seems to have neglected duties in Main, Subs, and elsewhere. Being a Rewards GM should involved being here; I don't know what, if any, penalties will be infliced for this absence, but I personally am not happy about it.
Interesting you say that...

Notice I have no computer, I access the site through public computers, yet I manage to do most of the work on subs...yup, I must not be working!

Main: Every time I access subs, I get to main. Ask Hacker, I PM'ed him the other day. I see what goes on around here; I've been on more than you Night. While still computerless, I manage to help in the Battle Royale, run the Recruitment, grade duels in subs, grade regs, reply to PM's, answer questions...I guess I'm neglecting my duties Night!

Now Nall, I'm as involved as anyone. I remind again: I have NO computer. I am using a public one that has a 1 hour limit, and is rarely open, yet I manage to get on. So yes, I am here. I have no reason to post in Pandora; I am not in that quest. If I recall, certain people who need to post don't, yet say I'm neglecting...

As for the Battle Royale, Hacker can enlighten you more than me. We've worked on ideas through PM's, but he has the complete rules. All that's left is a date and your aproval.

One last time: I'm very much involved here Nall and Night. I've showed my dedication simply by breaking my ass and going through those crappy public comps, because I'm responsible. I don't feel your accusations are justifiable, Night.

That's what I got to say, it's your last word Nall. If you wanna be sure, just check subs, and main for the last month.


Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 6:43 am
by Rayo
Still here, just without too much of a purpose in this area.

*logs in, reads topics, gets rid of any excess newbies who just signed up for the fun of it without realizing they can't start out at main*

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2004 6:45 pm
by Hijinx
I'm still here! I was just a little busy so getting on was difficult. That's passed though, so pandora will be running soon! It's not my fault pandora's slow though... *pokes everyone in pandora's box with a pointy stick*

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2004 1:50 am
by Zavier_D
I am here...I check main, but at the moment I am a part of subs with the Unity, in quest right now. But I don't want main to die...but it should be good to see things going strong again. I have been watching the recruitment process...this should be good.

I watch in the shadows...


Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2004 4:36 am
by Cypher
There are also some of our "shadow" players...when Asgard posted his thingy, a few ghosts came back and posted in.


Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2004 6:11 pm
by Gingitsune
I IZ Here @_@.
Sorry about not being here for awhile, vacation = month, computer failure = 2 weeks, and school = hell.
But I'll be on more often now.

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2004 11:03 pm
by Nall
Me and Night have been thinking, it's hard for some people to devote themselves to 2 things at once... With BR going on it's probably gonna be hard for people to do both ^^;; Soooooooo, I guess we'll let Pandora till after BR ^^; sounds like plan ja?

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2004 1:00 am
by Hijinx
I guess. It's a shame that pandora and BR have to have conflicting schedules though. Oh well, I'll make do.

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2004 1:35 am
by Nighthand
-resists the urge to point out there was plenty of time before the BR-

-realizes he just did-



Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2004 3:09 am
by strato
Yeah, I meant to post in here sooner but I kinda got tangled in some things and was ripped away from the computer. But, I am alive and well and although I'm on the list for BR, I'm really not able to do it. I mention this because BR was mentioned earlier. So...yeah...well, I'll be going then.